Friday, September 21, 2012

Momentum Lab Reflection

Yesterday we did an experiment and were an experiment of leadership. First we wrote out our hypothesis and read the packet we were handed but after that for about ten minutes we began to wonder what was going on and eventually we figured out that it was our to to teach ourselves and start  the experiment without instruction. There was about 3 minutes or so of recovering from the time of doing nothing and in that time we got all that we needed and headed outside. Outside we all took turns being leaders alone or together setting up and testing our hypothesis. Although in the beginning we were told to have three leaders we ended up combining everyones skills and sort of made one big group leadership. When we finished testing we went inside and actually had a few minutes left to start thinking about the next few steps. We did fail in the beginning but that failure lead to a very good and strong success. The leadership we had really helped us improve our knowledge and larger group work.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Reflection on Stuck on Kahn

Stuck on Khan? Checklist
You have many resources at your disposal to help you overcome a question or difficulty.  If you have a math question that arises during Khan work time, follow the steps below:

o Click on the button “Show acceptable answer formats”.  Review the acceptable answer formats to ensure you have entered the answer in the required format. no

o Ensure that you have reduced your answer to simplest form.  (For example, if you entered 2/70, you would need to simplify it to 1/35). yes

o Write down all your work on paper. Showing your work may help you identify a mistake yourself, and it can help your teacher or fellow students figure out where you got confused. yes

o Draw a picture, if applicable.  For example, if you are solving for the area of a living room, draw a picture of the room and label any information that is given. Sometimes seeing the problem as a picture can help you figure out how to solve it. no

o Watch a video.  Appropriate videos are recommended in the “Need Help?” section of each exercise module.  This will not reset your streak. sometimes

o Get a hint.  Use the “hints” feature in Khan to see a step-by-step solution of the problem.  This will reset your streak. yes

o Try a new question in the same exercise module.  Repeat the above steps. sometimes

o Ask another student who is already proficient in that exercise to help you figure out where you got stuck or to explain the concept to you. Make sure he or she helps you understand the concept and doesn’t just give you the answer. yes

o Ask your teacher for help if he or she is available. yes

o If your teacher is unavailable and none of these other methods work, move on to another exercise and return to that exercise later. yes

Algebra test reflection

1. Yes, I try to consistently focus in class but I find it hard to do sometimes because I get tired of sitting and begin to talk
2. No, I try to figure it out myself two or three times before I go to other resources
3. Not always, I try several times if I have not mastered it but after that I will just move on
4. if I have to, it is sometimes only understandable by me but most of the time people can get it
5. No i do not look further than the classroom if I am having trouble.
6. I should repeatedly study for tests
7. There is nothing I can think of, maybe watch some Kahn videos
test taking
1. yes I always try to read them multiple times actually
2. yes I do everything but check my answers
Test Errors
1. Generally my mistakes are just simple and careless mistakes, but when I make big mistakes its because I did not study it
2. think more

Friday, September 14, 2012

camp reflection

I really liked the camping trip and I thought it taught us a lot about leadership and world hunger. The world hunger let me see a larger view of starving people instead of the people in the Americas but how almost everyone in the rest of the world is hungry. throughout the simulation I noticed certain benefits we had even though I was one of the richer countries. But I thought some of the supplies were unfairly distributed which may have made it less realistic than proposed. As one of the people who did quite a bit of the work it made me feel though as I had spent a fraction of some ones life in India. 

The leadership portion of the camp made me realize how much younger kids follow the older kids and how we should set an example for them or maybe just be a warning. All the activities we did that had to do with leadership showed that we should listen to others and strive to work together.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jet Car

Jet Car Reflection
Baylis Mitchell
     This experiment has been a great experience and has shown the importance of prototyping failure which then eventually will lead to success. With the multiple options to choose from there was a much larger variety of cars that could be made to try to accomplish different things. Also being able to observe piers work and to see what was working helped a lot in the building process. One Of the major problems was having to replace a balloon on the car when it ran out of or when repairs or modifications were necessary to the car. The limited resources made it much harder if more had been optional it would have been nice to have extra body parts like straws and kabob sticks. I have struggled with getting my  car to move or having it stay together, the biggest struggle was the thought process of trying to figure out how to build the next model and what it should be. This has been an interesting project and I am looking forward to the oncoming projects