Thursday, January 31, 2013

Europe Unit Reflection

I thought that the ways we learned helped me were lectures and taking notes out of books because I have the ability to write whatever I want. I also like the final project because it let me dive into a certain subject that I wanted to learn about and it let me take a lot from other peoples project so I could get their views about their certain chosen events. The outlines supplied by Ms. Pyeatt were very helpful because all that was needed was some added notes. The presentations she gave us also seemed extra because she would talk about things that weren't on the picture and would sometimes go off telling us about things that had been happening elsewhere expanding the picture and shared the actual presentations later with us so we could focus on the important things that would not be recorded. Because of this I improved my note taking in to an accessible easy format that I knew and would be easy to put back in to a project of my own if I needed to. I like the projects and quizzes because they make me study the data to also place in my head so it will stay a good long while. While the textbook is sometimes hard for me to get through it has proven well to work for me as a resource because I can slowly filter information to get the best out of the lengthy sections. I feel I learned better note and group skills over this section and had a good time through it.

D-day script

Scene I
Narrator- on june 6 1944 allied forces attacked upon the beaches on normandy this attack took several days to complete and many lives were lost. The beaches were code named and this reenactment is of the attack upon sword beach after multiple dragoons had landed on the beach to clear out land forces and LCA’s had just landed holding troops to raid the defenses.
Sgt. bays- concentrate all fire to provide support for landing troops. lets show them what  the 3rd division can do!
Col. Will- Will do sergeant(talks to “troops” offscreen)  men concentrate fire and take cover they’re mowing us down, don’t let the jerries take us down
Sgt. Bays- Move up we need a better rendezvous point
Col. Will- If it’s ok with you sir me and my men would like to stay here 
Sgt. bays- stay here and you die come with me keep your heads down and you might make it.
(long silence)
Col. will- alright you heard the man heads down move forward, remember we have to Rendezvous at 0730 hours with the french commandos

Scene II
Narrator- french commandos have moved inland from the beach to capture and maintain “casino” strongpoint
Lt. louis- skull group enter the pillbox while will provide fire
Pvt. pierre- the door is locked sir toss a frag we’ll blow the door 
(Throws g-nad)
fall back it’s about to detonate!
Lt. louis- check if there are any survivors and if so they shall be shot
Pvt. Pierre- there are no survivors sir
Lt. louis- well the french commando’s have done it again. get some infantry to take guard on that pillbox and someone please get me the casualties i have got to report back to home
Pvt. Pierre- there have been about 13 casualties of our company but few wounded should we move on or wait for back up?
Lt. louis- we must move on, I got a radio signal that there are some british troops who want to rendezvous with us at pegasus bridge and are fighting a panzer division.
Pvt. Pierre- you heard the man lets move!

Scene III
Officer allard- the men have been putting up a good fight but I feel we’ve got ‘em
commander wilson- I don’t think that that is going to happen sir look out (tank fire)
Officer- who is that driving those tanks?
commander- they seem to be the 21 panzer division one of the most powerful. we just need to keep the men moving and avoid gunfire to confuse the tanks 
Officer- are you sure we should stay or should we go. we’re getting torn up
Commander- lets see what we can do but nothing will happen to the tanks unless we can get an explosives team or grenadiers. so a retreat would seem in order
Officer- sir wee must retreat now all our men are dying should I send the order?
commander- yes let’s leave now and rescue the wounded if you can

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Virtue discussion

Virtue is an important thing to have in life so someone can become good at something with the ability to look for more and be happy. Although Virtue can be found anywhere it seems to be indirectly stated in the Declaration of Independence as "The Pursuit of Happiness" to have the ability to do almost anything that abides the law to become a happier better person. Reading the book has slightly altered my thought about what virtue is but it has made me really think about how virtue works and why it is good to have and share with others.

un cuentito

ayer despues de mi desayuno yo jugue con mi perro y yo ande a mi dormitorio y prepere por la día y yo busque por mi ropa. yo fue a escuela y cuando yo llegue yo mire por mis amigos cuando yo entre la escuela. cuando yo este en la escuela yo recordé la dinero mi madre dame me yo pague los estudiantes de 5th nota. y es como yo empece mi día.

Monday, January 14, 2013

en la clinica

  1. Enfermo- hola yo soy Juan
  2. Enfermera- hola, que te pasa. ¿Tu piensa tiene una fiebra?
  3. Enfermo- si, toma mi temperatura por favor
  4. Enfermaera- AAAAHHH, lo siento, ¿tiene un duele?
  5. Enfermo- si, me duelen mi estomago y la garganta y yo soy tosiendo mucho.
  6. Enfermera- la medico Puede examina tu un uno minuto
  7. el medico- ¿hola Juan esta bien?
  8. Enfermo- no, yo esta alli porque no es bien
  9. el medico- yo piensa tu tiene un horrible gripe y tu necesita un fuerte medicamento por tu
  10. Enferma- ¿yo necesita guarda mi cama?
  11. El medico- si, un minimo de cinco dias es muy malo.
  12. Enferma-en mi receta tiene un medicamento por mi nariz yo soy muy constipdo.
  13. El medico- si, yo puede. y con las medicamentos por tu gripe bebe mucho agua y no frescas, y come mucho fruta.

A la farmacia-
14. Enfermo- hola tu tiene una receta por Juan alverez.
  1. Farmecutica- ¿si, tu es muy enferma no?
  2. Enfermo- si yo tiene la gripe y yo suy muy constipado
  3. Farmecutica- ¿tiene un doler possiblimente?
  4. Enfermo- si, me duele la garnganta pero mi estomago es normal
  5. Farmecutica- ¿tu quieres medicamentos por tu garganta?
  6. Enfermo- no, yo tiene medicamentos a mi casa, pero tu sabe donde esta una tienda con ingridientes por sopa
  7. Farmecutica- si un bueno tienda con ingredientes por sopa esta en la calle de philip
  8. Enfermo- gracias, y possiblemente yo no tener que volver pronto
  9. Farmecutica- Si, y en tu sopa por la garganta tiene un poco de hierbas
  10. Enfermo- yo necesita recordar mi abuelas famosa ingrediente por su sopa, es muy bueno
  11. Farmecautica- adios, que te mejores pronto!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sam and Baylis's Guide to Reading Shakespeare

1. Perseverance-

When you read Romeo and Juliet the main thing that you should focus on is persevering throughout the book. If you persevere then you'll understand the book better and have more fun reading it, you'll also be able to understand more complicated books if you persevere through Shakespeare's writing because it will make it easier and more exciting.


A good thing to do while reading Shakespeare is to re-read complicated parts. By re-reading you will probably find more information that you didn't notice the first time you read it. Also, when you re-read you will understand the book much better overall.

3.Figure out Root Words-

If you don't know a big complicated word then it's a good idea to look up the prefixes, suffixes, and roots for that word to better understand it. Looking up words will add new meanings to sentences that you didn't know before because you didn't know what the key word meant.

4. Visualization-

Visualizing is an important part of any reading, but it's especially important in Shakespeare's plays because you will better enjoy the story if you can make a picture in your head of what's happening in the book. You can also imagine the setting and what the characters look like if you visualize the story; which, overall, will make the play seem more exciting.

5. Infer-

When you read Shakespeare it opens up the story if you infer a lot. By inferring you can find out things that Shakespeare his into the text such as humor, foreshadowing, and many hidden elements that would enhance your experience while reading Shakespeare's literature. If you combine this method with the other 4 you are sure to understand Shakespeare much better and have more fun reading the literature.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Skills For Success Reflection

1.Which of the five Skills for Success is your biggest strength? Why?
I think collaborating is my best skill out of the five because I like group projects and I feel like I get better grades on them. I don't do as well as I can if I am placed with someone who I don't communicate well with but I am being taught better collaboration skills and a little bit of leadership because I feel like I have to organize everything and in the end it is a good learning experience.

2.In which of the five Skills did you show the greatest improvement during 1st trimester?
I think I improved the most in persevering because I had some problems getting my work turned in on time and I was slacking off a lot and it wasn't good. It taught me to work harder and persevere through tough problems or assignments.

3.Which of the five Skills do you need/want to improve the most? Why?
  I think I need to improve on communicating with others in projects more and sometimes teachers. I should have gone to a teacher when I as having trouble last trimester but now I feel fine and I am willing to talk to anyone if I am having trouble in any of my classes.

4.What specific actions will you take in order to improve?
I am going to work in a quieter area in my house and plan out my work and how I should carry out working on it. At school I am going to talk with others when I have a problem I need someone else to help me overcome.

5. What resource/assistance will you take advantage of in order to improve?
     I am going to use the teachers help in school and try not to sit next to people that will distract me. At home I
take advantage of the quiet space so I can focus harder and have some free time afterwards to clear my mind.