Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gregorio reflection

At first in class when we read the short story Gregorio I didn't quite get everything because I hadn't studied the vocabulary very much yet but I understood the basic outline of the story through what I already knew. I soon better understood it as we talked about it in class and through homework which made me look over the story again to see what was being said. Through the homework and the presentations it helped me learn some new vocab and when to use it too. To study for the final retelling each night I would pull out my flashcards every half hour or so and present out loud to the wall and when I began my other homework I would simultaneously criticize myself. I was ok with the new vocab that was given to us but I would have liked some more mind preparing work but I also don't think I studied it enough. But in the end I felt ok with my work but it wasn't near as good as it could have been and I would have liked to have just focused more in class and been more involved

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